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Иден О'Нилл
Дженнифер Хартманн
К. А. Такер
Сьерра Симоне
Исабель Альенде
Карен Бут
Л. Дж. Шэн
Кристен Каллихан
Дженнифер Ли Арментроут
Джули Кагава
Исабель Альенде
Карен Бут
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Елена Армас
Кейси Л. Бонд

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The Arrogant Duke

The Arrogant Duke

Год: 1966
Жанр: Исторический роман
This romance is set in Edwardian times and had a very interesting storyline. Similar to a Regency novel but it was told in the first person. I am not sure why the "teaser" on the back cover hints that the duke wanted to make our heroine Olivia his mistress. He never once offered her that position - after all he already had a lovely mistress! 

Olivia has been extensively educated by traveling with her father all over Europe. Though not a lady, Olivia does have good bloodlines and is related to a baron. She picked up languages easily and could converse in many different ones. Now that her father has died, she has taken on the job teaching the Duke of Queensford's ward, Penelope, French and social skills. Olivia falls in love with both the Duke's ancestral home (a castle) and the duke - who is arrogant, autocratic, dark, manly and fascinating! But it is just her pipe dream to believe they could ever be together. So you enter the world of an upper servant, the jealousy of others, the slights by the aristocracy and an undercurrent of mystery. Will Olivia be able to break through Penelope's walls of hurt. Is the duke really Penelope's father? And could Olivia ever hope to wrest him out of the arms of his beautiful (but married!) lover? 
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Добавлено: 2009-03-14 14:50:14    Просмотров: 60
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