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Линдсей, Джоанна

A Rogue of My Own

A Rogue of My Own

Серия: Reid Family #3
Год: 2009
Жанр: Исторический роман
Lady Rebecca Marshall fulfills her mother's fondest wish when she becomes a maid of honor at the court of Queen Victoria. Having been disappointed two years ago when the Duke of Norford's heir Raphael Locke married another woman, Rebecca's mother sees this court appointment as a golden opportunity for Rebecca. At court, Rebecca meets the charming marquis Rupert St. John, whom Rebecca knows as the devastatingly handsome n'er-do-well cousin of Raphael Locke, the man she was once infatuated with. What Rebecca doesn't know is that Rupert is a secret agent of the crown who leads a double life.

Rebecca strikes up a lively flirtation with Rupert, but when Rupert realizes she's spying on him he seduces her. He hardly suspects that she's an innocent and he's horrified when she reveals she is pregnant! Forced to the altar by their families, Rupert believes that Rebecca has set a trap of the worst sort in order to marry into the powerful Locke family. And her vows that theirs will not simply be a marriage in name only; he plans to enjoy many passionate nights with his beautiful, scheming wife.

With her trademark humor, memorable characters, and passionate storytelling style, it's no wonder that Johanna Lindsey has more than sixty million copies of her novels in print.
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Добавлено: 2010-03-11 13:40:21    Просмотров: 70
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