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Say You Love Me

Say You Love Me

Серия: Malory Family series #5
Год: 1996
Жанр: Исторический роман
Her parents' deaths left Kelsey Langton penniless - and responsible for the safety and well-being of her younger sister, Jean. Now circumstance and human frailty have conspired to leave them homeless as well, unless Kelsey can avert the disaster. But she knows only one way to rescue Jean's home, future and honor - and it means sacrificing her own. Kelsey must allow herself to be sold at auction. With fear and trepidation she enters the House of Eros - resigned to becoming the plaything of some well-heeled gentleman. And Lord Derek Malory is the highest bidder - a dashing rakehell from a family of charming London rogues. Enchanted by the stunning, dark-haired maid with flashing bright eyes, he purchases her for his mistress - and sweeps Kelsey into a world of astonishing family secrets, perilous rivalries and unconventional loyalties. But Lord Derek is unaware of the true worth of the prize he has so frivolously acquired - never imagining that the proud, spirited miss is a highborn lady blessed with grace, wit and intelligence as well as beauty. And he certainly never expected that he would fall in love with her.
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Добавлено: 2009-07-07 06:14:12    Просмотров: 58
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