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God's Callgirl

God's Callgirl

Год: 2006
Жанр: Прочие романы
As a child, Carla van Raay experienced a trauma that changed her forever. Burdened by the weight of this terrible secret, all she wanted to do was survive. Life as a nun promised refuge from the outside world. At the age of 18, Carla van Raay entered a convent to devote her life to God. By 35 she was earning her living as a prostitute. Carla had hoped to find love and understanding within the convent walls. Instead she became enmeshed in a complex system of cruel regulations that drove her to the brink of madness. Finally released from her vows, she escaped back into the 'real' world. A hasty marriage and separation left Carla with a daughter to support. With few professional skills to rely on from her years as a nun, she turned to another age-old profession - prostitution. She worked as an escort to learn the ropes, then struck out on her own, setting up a massage service. God's Callgirl was born. At first she relished her new-found sexuality, but when eventually the darker side of the business began to assert itself, Carla was forced to confront the tortuous secrets of her past.
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Добавлено: 2011-06-16 13:08:58    Просмотров: 39
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