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All Men Are Rogues

All Men Are Rogues

Год: 2003
Жанр: Исторический роман
When Evelyn Amherst agrees to her father's dying request that she complete his final mission for His Majesty, she can scarcely imagine the world of infamy and danger she is about to enter -- or that it will bring her tantalizingly close to Lord Justin Barclay. Here is a man to turn a young lady's head -- strong, fearless, dashing, and devilishly good-looking. But Evelyn is determined to unravel the mystery behind her father's death and she must not be diverted, especially not by this passionate yearning for Lord Justin's embrace. 

Never has Justin had a more agreeable assignment! Evelyn Amherst is beautiful, fiery, utterly alluring, and he is to divine from her the details of her late father's service -- without revealing that Justin is, himself, a spy. Never mind he has no intention of marrying her; he uses all his roguish charms to win her confidence, knowing he must betray her for King and Country. But the lady's sensuous enchantment disarms him -- tempting the deceiving scoundrel to trust her with his secrets and his heart. . .which could place both their lives in mortal peril. 
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Добавлено: 2009-03-07 15:06:29    Просмотров: 74
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