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Something About Emmaline

Something About Emmaline

Серия: Bachelor Chronicles - 1
Год: 2006
Жанр: Исторический роман
Inventing a wife was the perfect solution...
Or so it seemed to Alexander Denford, Baron Sedgwick, when he made up Emmaline for the sole purpose of deterring the ton’s marriage-minded ladies and their infernal matchmaking mothers--thereby enabling him to enjoy his carefully planned life in peace. So imagine his surprise when a stunning stranger appears in his private bedchamber…and brazenly announces that she is "Lady Sedgwick!"

Until a tempting lady turns his life upside down...
This "Emmaline" has been living by her wits her entire life--and dearly desires what the dashing, much chagrined rake can provide: an entry into good society. In the meantime, she is plunging his household into chaos and, worse still, wreaking havoc with his heart. For there’s something about her spirit and fiery sensuality that Alex is finding impossible to resist. But before he can make his perfect love his actual bride, he’ll have to somehow become the ideal husband he never dreamed he could be.

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Добавлено: 2008-12-11 10:25:10    Просмотров: 70
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