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Елена Армас
Кейси Л. Бонд

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Satisfaction Guaranteed

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Серия: Goddard Project - 1
Год: 2007
Жанр: Современный роман
Anytime, anyplace, Ethan Crane's your man. An agent's agent, he's tough, smart, and fearless. Exactly the guy you want when the stuff hits the fan--and precisely the kind Beth Whitney avoids like the plague. It took a fiancé (make that ex-fiancé) in the business to teach her, but she's learned her lesson: Don't. Date. Agents. Ever. It's this little rule that's kept her gainfully employed at the agency, doing her part for world security from behind a desk. So when a case throws the two together, Beth's determined to keep it strictly professional. So far, so good--except for the steamy kisses, the red-hot phone sex, and...What was that rule again? 

To Ethan, Beth couldn't be less his type if her father ran the agency, which, oh yeah, her father does run the agency. Still he can't help but be impressed by her inspired work in the field--a total turn on. Off the field it's even better. Seems the old adage that opposites attract happens to agents too. Even if Beth insists it's just a fantasy. But hot pursuit of a notorious information broker is what they should focus on--not each other. That can wait until they've accomplished a job well done. Or can it?

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Добавлено: 2008-11-21 07:31:44    Просмотров: 60
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