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Лоуренс, Стефани

The Fall of Rogue Gerrard

The Fall of Rogue Gerrard

Год: 2008
Жанр: Исторический роман
It Happened One Night

An omnibus of novels by Mary Balogh, Jacquie D'Alessandro, Candice Hern and Stephanie Laurens

An omnibus of novels by Mary Balogh, Jacquie D'Alessandro, Candice Hern and Stephanie Laurens

It Happened One Night . . . and nothing was ever the same again! 

Once upon a time, four superstar storytellers - New York Times bestselling authors Stephanie Laurens and Mary Balogh, along with Jacquie D'Alessandro and Candice Hern - came up with a delicious idea. What if they each wrote a story about a proper young lady stranded at a remote inn away from society's constraints? What would happen? And how long would it take for her to give in to desire? 

In these four amazing tales, four heroines will come face-to-face with the men who got away . . . only to discover that, instead of anger, there is still a passionate connection that cannot be denied. And while each of their lives is quite different, and their pasts utterly unique, they will all make a common discovery - that one night can change everything . . . forever.
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Добавлено: 2009-01-15 20:22:38    Просмотров: 82
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