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Лоуренс, Стефани

Tangled Reins

Tangled Reins

Серия: Regency series #1
Год: 1992
Жанр: Исторический роман
Dorothea having recently lost her mother to illness was planning on taking her sister to London to stay with their Grandmama who wants to turn them out for their first season. Dorothea has no intention of marrying, being twenty two and used to doing things her way, but wants her sister to have her time. Before leaving Dorothea has a chance encounter with the Marquis of Hazelmere on his estate grounds which border hers. However, once in London the Marquis can't seem to forget Dorothea. His interest in her made him have an immediate distaste for his mistress and dismissed her. There starts his pursuit of Dorothea.
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Добавлено: 2009-01-14 21:19:30    Просмотров: 124
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