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Осборн, Мэгги

Lady Reluctant

Lady Reluctant

Год: 1990
Жанр: Исторический роман
Destiny and Desire. No one dares say no to Blusette Morgan.except Thomas, the handsome English stranger who docks at her island home. It is a cruel blow for the fiery daughter of the pirate founder of Morgan's Island. All around her is the passion of the tropics, but she sure has yet to experience it first hand. With time, Blu is sure she can change his mind. but time is not to be hers. Determined that she become a lady, her father is shipping her off to England, to a mother she never knew. Still, Blu won't be denied the most thrilling adventure a woman can know. she has one last chance--on board the ship commanded by the man she desires above all else..on board the ship that will transport her to an unknown world.

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Добавлено: 2008-11-18 18:55:42    Просмотров: 68
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